CJA Panel Information

Amended CJA Plan, Western District of Texas (2023) was approved on May 1, 2023.

Fifth Circuit Plan for Representation on Appeal Under CJA 

To ensure you are receiving the current version of the Application for each Division, please click here to access the website for the Western District of Texas.  NOTE: If you have questions about panel membership, please contact Cynthia Orr, the Western District of Texas CJA Panel Representative, at 210- 226-1463.

Each federal judicial district has a CJA panel representative. As the representative of all panel attorneys in the district, the CJA panel representative acts as the point of contact between panel members and other components of the judicial branch with respect to the CJA program.

The CJA panel representative for the Western District of Texas is Cyntia Orr of San Antonio, who may be reached at 210-226-1463.

The Criminal Justice Act (CJA) Panel for the Western District of Texas consists of private attorneys who accept appointed cases from the Magistrate or District Judges. CJA counsel are reimbursed for their representation by the United States District Court, according to rates set by Congress. Funds for investigators, experts, and other defense-related staff are also reimbursed by the Court. Click here for current CJA rates.

The TXW US District Court website offers information, forms, and worksheets regarding the CJA Panel Attorney Payment System, CJA Forms used for the appointment of and claims for counsel, experts, court reporters, and other services providers under the CJA.

CJA Panel Resources

A resource for Defender staff and CJA panel attorneys when facing cases with large volumes of discovery and/or electronic discovery. The website defines litigation support, provides contact information for the National Litigation Support Team, and contains links to an Initial Discovery Assessment Checklist, Recommended E-Discovery Practices for FPD/CJA Attorneys, and a Guide for CJA Panel Attorneys on Obtaining Litigation Support Resources.

CJA panel attorneys frequently require the assistance of experts and other service providers to adequately represent their clients in court-appointed cases. See 18 U.S.C. ยง 3006A(e).  Finding an appropriate expert, however, can be difficult. Below is a link to a list of experts who have assisted defense attorneys in criminal cases in the Western District of Texas. 

List of Experts in Alphabetical Order 9.27.24

The CJA Panel Attorney Resources Website is designed to assist with connecting panel attorneys with resource providers who work with CJA-appointed counsel.

The Federal Public Defender for the Western District of Texas (FPD WDTX) assumes no responsibility or liability for the professional ability, qualifications, or reputation of, or the services provided by, the listed individuals or companies. Inclusion on this expert list is not an endorsement by the FPD WDTX. The attorney of record on a CJA panel case is responsible for assessing the suitability of service providers and supervising the work done, under ABA Professional Rules of Responsibility 5.3. 

After contacting the expert and preforming due diligence, seek prior authorization for funds in an ex parte application to the court. 

Panel attorneys are encouraged to consult with the defender organization on any aspect of a CJA case. Inquiries may be directed by telephone or e-mail to individual attorneys. For contact information see our office directory. Requests for assistance with preparation of court motions are also welcome.

The appellate section in the San Antonio office will conduct a moot court (practice argument) for any panel attorney who is preparing to argue a CJA case before the Fifth Circuit or U.S. Supreme Court.  Contact the appellate section to make arrangements for moot courts.

DSCRAP is a panel of federal defenders assisting court-appointed counsel engaged in Supreme Court litigation: brainstorming issues, preparing and finalizing petitions and merit briefs, coordinating amicus curiae, and conducting moot courts prior to oral argument. Panel members have vast experience as counsel of record in hundreds of cases before the Court, briefing dozens of cert grants and arguing in many individual cases.

Voucher Best Practices (Suggested Guidance for Getting Compensated - please note, these have not been formally adopted by Fifth Circuit):

2.2022 Voucher Practices